Wednesday, June 09, 2010


I know it's been nearly three weeks since the finale aired and at some point I will be doing some sort of a recap. There's really nothing to recap as much as there is to discuss and give my opinions and suppositions about. In a way, I feel like I am dealing with the stages of grief right now. I mean not really like I would have to with the death of a loved one but it's the closest I can come to describing it. Almost like losing a friend. I guess I can say I am somewhere in the depression or anger stage of dealing with it. This is my first step towards the final stage that being acceptance. Until then, here is a little video montage of The End.


Cerpts said...


Fink Master Flash said...

Honestly, I felt the loss pretty hard too. But what kept me positive was the end. It was the perfect ending for these characters. Some might disagree but I loved it and it helped me cope with the end.

Anonymous said...

I can't agree more although I went through the stages of grief much quicker as I think I was starting the process even before the end. Looking forward to your final thoughts.