Monday, July 28, 2008

Let's just say something was burning and it wasn't from the sunshine.


Season two starts with another eye opening like many episodes in season one. This time it's Desmond's eye. Looking back at the hatch, it definitely had a 70’s feel to it. We still have not been told what the vaccine was for that Desmond injects into himself. Here’s one for you, the song “Make Your Own Kind of Music” plays for exactly one minute and eight seconds (or 1:08) before the explosion makes it stop. Desmond rides the stationary bike at a rate of 16 miles an hour. Want some more of the numbers? There are exactly 42 holes in the shower head down in the hatch. I counted them.

When Jack has to choose, like his father said he would have to, he chooses to save Sarah (his future wife) instead of the other injured person. That other injured person just happened to be Shannon’s father, who is pronounced dead at 8:15. Jack is therefore indirectly responsible for Boone and Shannon being on the plane. If he had treated Shannon's father, she wouldn't probably go to Australia, and Boone would not follow her, and both will not end up on the plane.

Is the “Quarantine” message on the inside of the hatch door meaningful? Is it just a ruse to keep whoever is put into the hatch down there?

Shannon is the third person to hear the whispers. She also sees a dripping wet Walt. Walt delivers his backwards message to Shannon; “Don’t push the button. The button’s bad.”. Which means?

Hurley takes a moment to tell Jack about what the numbers mean to him.

In season one, Sayid talks about people having hope. This time Christian tells Jack he might want to try handing out some to his patients every now and again.

Locke makes it clear that he does not follow Jack’s thinking of waiting. It also helps to mark the beginning of the Jack/Locke division between the rest of the survivors.

Sarah’s boyfriend/fiancĂ© was a spoiled little dickhead.

Did Locke mean it literally when he said he knew Kate was going to follow him back to the hatch?

Jack and Desmond have their first meeting in the flashback. Desmond tells Jack he was almost a doctor once. Theory time: is it possible that the Desmond in the flashback is the consciousness of Desmond after meeting the Losties on the island? Desmond almost seems to know that Jack did indeed fix Sarah but he doesn’t seem to recognize Jack when he sees him in the hatch until later. Desmond, for the first time tells Jack; “See you in another life, yeah?”. I have never heard him say this to someone other than the people he sees on the island.

Nice mural and hey, the key wiggles.

So Jack does “fix” Sarah and he still doesn’t believe in miracles? Of course he can’t, believing in them would mean that he was not soley responsible for making Sarah walk again. TPTB say that the title “Man of Science, Man of Faith” is not a direct notation to Jack and Locke but both are representative of Jack. He is supposed to be both. This episode shows us Jack's inability to just "let it go".

Contrastingly, Lord of the Flies is a book by the Nobel Prize-winning author William Golding, the character Ralph is portrayed as logical and rational, while Jack Merridew is portrayed as superstitious and imaginative. The way these characters behave is very similar to how Jack and Locke behave. Thus, Ralph and Jack are both men of science, while Locke and Jack Merridew are men of faith.

Or, even another translation of the title could be Jack is the "man of science", while Desmond is the "man of faith". Jack believes that Sarah can not be fixed based on his scientific opinion, while Desmond has faith that she can and will be alright.

On the commentary for the episode on the DVD it is mentioned that something tragic and devastating happened to cause the magnetic wall to be put in place. When did this happen and what exactly was it?

TPTB also comment that they wanted the theme for season two to be that everything happens for a reason and they wanted to begin showing it very early.


Michael has his son taken from him both in the flashback and on the island.

Still don’t fully understand why Locke took his shoes off when he entered the hatch. Was is for stealth purposes? Could it be similar to when Moses takes off his shoes when he first communes with God. Inside the hatch we see the Swan symbol for the first time.

Contrary to what Michael thinks, Sawyer can, in fact, take a bullet out of his shoulder with his bare hands. Sawyer also seems to know a little CPR as well. Good thing for Michael he does.

Locke ties up Kate (that’s not as hot as it sounds) and sticks a knife down her pants (not as hot either ... or is it?) so she can cut herself loose.

Kate likes Apollo bars. Didn’t Annie like them too? I’m just saying, that’s all. I liked seeing Kate shove it in her mouth anyway.

Desmond asks Locke how many of the survivors have gotten sick. I thought that Desmond knew that the sickness that Kelvin told him about was bogus.

The countdown timer is shown for the first time and we see the numbers get put into the computer for the first time as well.

Nice boob shot of Kate in the ventilation shaft. I can see why some people (like my buddy Cerpts) enjoy her so much.

I don’t believe for a minute that we were not supposed to see the DHARMA logo on the shark. That was there for a reason and in a way it foreshadowed the hydra station.

Michael gives Walt a stuffed polar bear in the flashback. A nice little coincidental touch or something more?

So, if the Others were going after Walt, how did they know he was on the raft? Was it just dumb luck that Michael shot off the flare and they found them? I really don’t see how they would have known that they were out there in the ocean. Is there still someone we have yet to see working for the Others?

The episode ends with Jin running towards Sawyer and Michael warning them about “Others”. We, of course, know it was the taillies but they still looked pretty ominous.

Michael, on the wreckage and in his flashback, spends his time alienating those around him (Sawyer, Susan) in his attempts to keep Walt safe and/or get him back. However, Michael does end up realizing the error of his ways both times, and "lets Walt go" in order to mend his relationships with those currently around him. In keeping with the title of the episode, both sets of events shown in this episode present Michael at times when he is "adrift" in his life, with no sense of direction or purpose, other than "get Walt back". In his past, this spiritual emptiness probably continued until the events of Special; in the present, he finds his way back to solid ground, giving a solid direction and purpose again.

Originally, this episode was supposed to be a Sawyer episode. Portions of the episode was filmed but then scrapped in favor of a Michael episode. I will post some screencaps from the scrapped episode soon.

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