Saturday, July 05, 2008

Little Louder Omar, maybe then she'll hear you!


For once I have very little to say about this and the next episode. Doesn't mean I am going to cheat you out of some quality screen caps from each episode.

The first thing you have to ask yourself is why did it take Locke so damn long to change that bloody shirt? I don't think he should have gone and talked to Shannon with Boone's blood still soaked on his shirt. Not the most couth move that Locke has ever made.

Just when you think we are getting over the trust issues with Kate she goes and drugs Jack. Admittedly he needed sleep but I think she might have crossed a little bit over into a gray area there.

In the flashbacks I learned that the CIA plays dirty. Who knew?

Locke admits to Sayid that is was him that knocked out Sayid and destroyed the tranceiver.

When Shannon shoots Locke was there a little but of divine intervention there? Sure looked like the shot should have been an easy kill but it only grazed him. The island needs him and it ends up costing Shannon.

In the grand scheme of things Sayid was not supposed to be on flight 815. He may be as yet another wild card.

I couldn't let a post go by without a Sawyer pic now could I?

Sayid choosing free will over fate?


The opening scene is a clear reference to Psycho. The movie, by Alfred Hitchcock, is about a blonde woman on the run who drives into a motel. The motel room and the shower scene in the episode resembles the movie very much and even the music is similar to music in the horror movie. Kate's alias, Joan Hart, is the name of the actress that played the title character in the series Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. Beth Broderick, who plays Kate's mother, played Sabrina's aunt in the show.

In Kate's flashback we find out about Tom, the plane, and her mother. In the present we see that Sun can be more hardcore than Jin when she tries to poison him in order to get him to give up his spot on the raft.

Hurley lets Locke in on Kate's past by accident. Hurley complains there are too many secrets among the survivors: "How am I supposed to keep straight who knows what around here?"

The tape Kate and Tom made is dated 8/15.

The most interesting part of the episode is when Walt touches Locke. Walt suddenly knows about the hatch and tells Locke not to open it. Seems Walt has more powers than just being able to talk to the animals. What did Walt see happening if Locke did open the hatch? Did he see what actually ended up happening?

Don't know if this means anything but when Kate goes to see her mother in the hospital the sign on the door reads Magnetic Resonance Imagining. That's not what MRI stands for, it should be Imaging. Is this just a screw up or is it a subtle clue that means some if not all of the flashes are fake.

Sayid tells Jack that a hatch without a handle was perhaps "never meant to be opened from the outside". He wanted Jack to talk Locke out of trying to open it. Tee hee, silly Iraqi.

Walt decides to leave on the raft instead of staying even though Michael tells him that they can stay if he wants. Walt tells him "we need to go". Did Michael and Walt leaving change what Walt saw happening after Locke opens the hatch? Will we even know?

Poisoning Jin was Kate's idea. She has a history of this doesn't she!

Who was the letter from that Kate picked up at the hotel front desk? On the tape that her and Tom made Kate says she wants to run away and that Tom knows why. Is there more to the story of Kate and her father that we haven't seen? She said that he never did anything to her, only to her mother. Although I believe we have seen all of the flashbacks we are ever going to be seeing as pertains to the people we have already seen flachbacks of.


Cerpts said...

You can't do screen caps. You ain't got the disc yet. Who you funnin'?!?

Cerpts said...

Locke didn't change his bloody shirt because secretly his mother is Jackie Kennedy.

Cerpts said...

All the best girls drug their men. What are you, puritan???

Cerpts said...

Why does the cameraman always hold the camera too high whenever Kate takes a shower?!?!?!

Cerpts said...

Why does the cameraman always hold the camera too high whenever Kate takes a shower?!?!?!

Cerpts said...

Why does the cameraman always hold the camera too high whenever Kate takes a shower?!?!?!

Cerpts said...

Well? WHY?!?

Cheeks DaBelly said...

I'm borrowing the screencaps so I guess I don't really need the disc.

Of course I'm a puritan, you should know that by now.

I don't know.

I said I don't know!

Wait let me ... oh nope, still don't know.

Probably cause the show is made in the usa and we got shit for nudity on broadcast television (unless you watch pbs so go figure) unlike most of the other countries out there where it is perfectly fine to show a little nip slip every now and again.

Cerpts said...

Uh need the disc. Then at least you won't have dinky little screen caps when you click on them.