Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"You got a little love connection brewing over there Jabba?"


In the flashbacks, Jin and Sun are having trouble conceiving. Jin believes that having a baby would make Sun’s father give Jin a less dangerous job. I guess I’ve heard worse reasons to have a baby.

On the island, Jin rips apart Sun’s garden to show that he can still be kind of prickish.

Ana Lucia and Locke discuss Benry. Notice Locke says “There’s a man sitting in my hatch and I want him out.” Excuse me, "my hatch", when did that start?

Sun is learning English from Jae Lee. Looks like his relationship with the woman in America went down the tubes.

When Jack gets out of the shower Locke gives his a quick look down. Hey, what’s he looking at? TPTB call this the “Odd Couple Scene”.

Benry gave a little clue to who he really was when he asked Ana; “You walked across? All the way here?” sounds like he knew the island fairly well. Ana, the cop, didn’t pick up on that?

Sawyer gives Sun a Widmore Labs pregnancy test.

Benry gives Ana a map to his balloon. She leaves with Sayid and Charlie to go find it.

Jack tells Sun to tell Jin “the whole truth” which seems a little out of context. Especially considering right after Jack lies to Kate about Benry in the hatch.

Sun tells Jae Lee her plans to leave Jin and go to America. Jae Lee makes his move.

Jin apologizes for trashing the garden and Sun tells him she is pregnant.

We find out in the flashback that it was Jin and not Sun who was unable to conceive.

Sun doesn’t tell “the whole truth” as she lies to Jin about never being with another man.

Ben finds out that Jack and Locke didn’t know about the map he gave Ana Lucia. Michael Emerson is at his creepy best when he tells Jack and Locke what his plan would be if he was an “Other” like they think he is.


Ben continues to manipulate Locke by asking him why he allows Jack to talk to him the way he does.

Just before Sayid, Ana, and Charlie find the location of Henry Gale's balloon, it starts to rain heavily.

In the flashbacks, nobody shows up at Locke’s fathers funeral except for a few suspicious looking characters. Locke says to his father's coffin; “I forgive you.”. Don’t know if I would have been able to that.

The blast doors drop sealing Locke inside the hatch and away from the button.

Locke inspects Nadia’s house and finds out his father is alive. Notice the deposit box is number 1516. When Locke drops off the money at the hotel did you catch the Oceanic planes flying overhead?

Locke tells Ben about the button. Not sure if he already knew about it or not.

Sawyer gets bluffed or conned by Jack in the card game. Not bt winning the game but by getting Sawyer to keep loosing and go right on playing for high stakes.

Oh, if Helen had only forgiven Locke he might not have ended up in that wheelchair and quite possibly, he may have never made it onto the island.

The lights inside the hatch go out and Locke sees the blast door map. The lockdown coincides with the food drop, has that ever been acknowledged as a fact? If that is true than have the “Others” convince the off-island DHARMA folk that the on-island DHARMA is still alive and well?

Ben’s lies finally begin to catch up to him as Sayid tells him what they found inside the grave Ben told them about.

The title of the episode could be a pun in that not only did the Hatch undergo a lockdown, but the blast door held Locke down when he tried to escape.

A few lingering questions about this episode: What were the loudspeakers trying to say? Did Ben kill the original Henry Gale? What exactly caused the lockdown?


Hurley has been hoarding food and Libby convinces him he needs to liberate himself from it. Then they find the food drop!

Hurley goes off on a wild Dave chase. Dave is a bad influence on Hurley. He doesn’t want Hurley to change.

Nice picture of an island behind Hurley in the doctors office in the mental hospital. Coincidence?

Ben tells them what happened to the real Henry Gale but it seems to just be more lies. He says “You have no idea what he’ll do to me.”. Could he be talking about Jacob or was he talking about someone else? He could just have been lying again to make them think he wasn’t as important as he is to the Others. Ben looks a little Jesus-ish the way he is tied up inside the armoury? Ben also makes sure to tell Sayid that he is not a "bad person".

On the island is Dave Smokie or is he just a figment of Hurley’s imagination like he was in the mental institution? We see that Dave was imaginary so it could have been Hurley loosing his grip on sanity again? But how far back does the islands influence go?

Although Hurley's picture with Dave was taken during the day, when revealed to him, it appears darker (like it is night) outside the window. Why? Also the people in it seems to be positioned a little differently also the plate of celery seems to be rearranged. Is it just continuity errors or something more? Sometimes it's hard to tell with this show.

Hurley goes off on Sawyer which is one of the best Hurley scenes to date.

Hurley almost talks himself, through Dave, into jumping off of the cliff. When Dave falls, he says to Hurley; “See you in another life.” Similar to what Desmond said to Jack

Ben says that he never pushed the button but that of course must be a lie because we see later at the end of the season what happens when you don’t push the button. So why did he lie? He wanted Locke to stop pushing the button? So that means he knew what would happen? And wanted that to happen? Why?

Libby snatches Hurley back to reality with a kiss.

Libby is shown to have been in the mental institute at the same time Hurley was. Guess we now know where he knew her from.

Random question: Why are the Apollo Bars the only DHARMA food not wrapped in DHARMA wrappers?

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