"Locke" sits down on a rock while Jack wants to stand up. I don't think Jack is going to intimidate the MIB.
Our story picks up right where it left off last week. The Lockeness monster greets Jack and says they have some catching up to do. Hurley is happy to let Jack do the talking. So right after Hurley negotiated a “no weapons” clause between the two groups Jack takes a rifle to the palaver? OK. Jack is surprised how much Smokie looks like John Locke but he says what is bothering him is that he has no idea what the MIB is. Lockeness says that Jack actually does. Jack asks “Why Locke?”. MIB tells him that Locke was stupid and got himself killed and then Jack brought his body back to the island. We find out that Locke did indeed have to be dead in order for Smokie to take his form. We then find out that it was the MIB taking the form of Christian as well. He says that all he was doing was trying to help Jack and the rest of the survivors by leading Jack to water so they could leave the island. Lockeness goes on to explain that Jacob had trapped them on the island but now that Jacob is dead they are free to leave the island. The MIB tells Jack that he was "trapped" on the island before the plane crash. Lockeness finishes their little talk by saying that John Locke wasn’t a “believer” but was a "sucker".
Locke is in an ambulance being taken to the hospital. They arrive at the same time as the ambulance carrying Sun does. Sun sees Locke on the gurney next to her and becomes frightened. She says “that’s him” which tells us that ATL Sun has had some flashes of the island time line. As the scene ends some say that a small smile creeps across Locke’s face. Wasn’t sure if I saw it or not. If so then that could mean Locke has also had some flashes, but why would he be smiling?

Claire says she is following Jack and "Locke" because Jack is her brother. Lockeness lets them talk in private. Claire says she is happy to see Jack. She says it means a lot that Jack is “coming with us” as she never had much family. Jack says he hasn’t decided if he is going with them. Claire says he decided the moment he let him talk so weather he likes it or not “you’re with him now”. That is similar to what Dogan said to Sayid and what the MIB said to Richard about not letting Jacob and the MIB talk to them. Something about these guys just talking to you is enough to reel you in and place you under their control. So we had the Jack and Claire reunion we waited a long time for. A little anticlimactic I thought.

Apparently the island has magical sunrises as it is now daylight when Sawyer tells Hurley about the sub and then tells him that Sayid isn’t going with them because he has gone over to the dark side. Since Hurley has at least one more Star Wars movie under his belt he tries to tell Sawyer that people can be turned back from the dark side. “What about Anakin?” which refers to Anakin Skywalker going to the dark side at the end of the last Star Wars installment. Lockeness, Jack, and Claire make it back to camp. Things feel a bit uneasy even though the Lockeness monster says it’s nice to have everyone back together again.
At the police station Detective Ford tells Kate that she doesn’t look like the murdering kind. She says that she is not a murderer. James asks her if she remembers him from the airport and Kate says she does. He steals a Humphrey Bogart line as his “Of all the cars in LA you had to crash into mine.” comment sounded a little like Rick’s quote about all of the gin joints in the world in the movie Casablanca. Kate asks him if he is hitting on her. He says that a cop and a fugitive could never have a relationship but we know in the OTL Kate actually did marry a cop. Oh, but that didn’t work out either did it? Kate asks him why he didn’t arrest her at LAX. He claims he didn’t see the handcuffs. Kate guesses that he didn’t arrest her because he didn’t want anyone to know he was in Australia. From the look on his face I would say she was right. Miles pull James out of the uncomfortable situation to tell him about the murders at the restaurant. Keamy was included with the dead so I guess that officially ends the “steamy” Keamy scenes. Miles tells James that surveillance cameras got pictures of the “perp” leaving the scene. Sayid is seen on the screen and James tells Miles that he is their “bad guy“.
Kate sits next to Jack and comments that Sayid (who looked to be sharing a mango with a Klingon) seems different. Jack says they are all different. Jack tells Kate that Lockeness said in order to leave they all had to be together. Jack is not sure if he believes him. Zoe shows up at their camp and asks to see whoever is in charge. Sawyer remarks that Zoe is Widmore’s number 2. She tells Lockeness that she wants back what he took. He acts like he doesn’t know what she means. Zoe takes out a radio and tells whoever is on the other end to show them what they are capable of. An artillery shell lands nearby and she tells MIB that he has until nightfall to return what they took or the next shell won’t miss. She gives Lockeness the radio and tells him to tell her when they can pick him up. “Locke” uses the big stick he carved last episode (he said it was going to have a use eventually) to smash the radio. “Here we go.”

Claire has an appointment at an adoption agency on the 15th floor. Desmond walks up and introduces himself. She tells Desmond that he was right that she is having a boy. Desmond tells Claire that she should have legal representation with her. She says she doesn’t have money for a lawyer. Desmond says that his lawyer owes him a favor and it won’t cost Claire anything. Did you guess the lawyer would be Ilana? Did you notice that this version of Ilana doesn’t have an accent? After Desmond introduces Claire; Ilana says that they have been looking for Claire. Ilana says she needs to talk to Claire in private.

Lockeness tells the group that they are being pressured by Widmore’s group and they are headed to Hydra island to the Ajira plane. He tells Sawyer to go to a boat he has docked near the island. He gives him a map and shows him where he is to sail it so he can meet back up with them. Sawyer is allowed to take Kate with him.

Sawyer tells Jack about his deal with Widmore. He tells Jack to take Sun, Hugo, and Lapidus and to meet Kate and him at the old dock. He gives Jack the map and Jack asks him about Sayid and Claire. Sawyer tells Jack that Sayid is a zombie and Claire is nuts. Sawyer tells Jack that Claire tried to kill Kate and he isn’t letting it happen again.

Lockeness tells Sayid to kill Desmond. He asks Sayid if it will be a problem for him to do it. Sayid says no. “Locke” asks if Sayid still wants what he asked for. Sayid says he does. Sayid goes to the well and Desmond asks him what “Locke” promised him. Desmond tells Sayid that if he is going to kill him in cold blood he deserves to know what Sayid gets in return. How does Desmond know that “Locke’s” recruitment is based on promises? Sayid says he is getting back the woman he loved. Sayid says that the woman is dead and that “Locke” was able to bring him back from the dead so he thinks he could bring her back as well. Desmond asks Sayid what he will tell her when she asks him what he did to be with her again.

ATL Sayid goes back to Nadia’s home and tells her he “took care of it” but he has to leave and he can never come back again. Miles knocks at the door and Nadia asks Sayid what he did. Sayid tells her to stall them. As Miles comes in the front door Sayid goes out the back door but James Ford is waiting for him. Sayid is tripped up with a simple garden hose and easily subdued by James who arrests him.

Watch the beginning of the next scene carefully as it seems Sawyer has forgotten some of his manners when he lets a palm frond just hit Kate right in the face as they exit the jungle. Nice job. The boat Lockeness talked about is docked just off shore. Kate asks if it is a good idea to meet up with “Locke”. Sawyer says it’s not a good idea which is why they aren’t doing it. He tells her his plan which includes the pilot who looks like he stepped out of a Burt Reynolds movie. Kate asks why Claire wasn’t mentioned. He says that she isn’t coming because the Claire that Kate came back for doesn’t exist anymore. Kate says that she promised she would bring her back. Sawyer says that this was before she started drinking “Locke’s” Kool-Aid. He says Claire is dangerous and shouldn’t be around Aaron. Sawyer’s “drinking the Kool-Aid” line refers to the Jonestown massacre of 1978. Cult leader Jim Jones made his followers drink cyanide laced Kool-Aid in a mass suicide.

We have a scene of yet another group of people (some claim there are 23 “Locke” followers making the trek) walking through the jungle on their way to somewhere in order to do something. Jack asks Claire how long she has been with “Locke”. She says ever since Jack and the rest of them left. She says she trusts him because he is the only one who didn’t abandon her. Lockeness asks Sun if she has seen Sayid. She doesn’t answer him and he asks about the silent treatment. Sun writes on her pad that he did this to her. He claims he didn’t do anything to her. “Locke” tells the group to go on and that he is going to double back to make sure nobody was left behind. Jack sees this as his chance to gather the few people together that Sawyer told him to. Hurley says that they should be going along with Sawyer’s plan and Jack tells him that this is Sawyer’s plan. (A little tip to Jack here: perhaps when the crazy blond chick tells you she has abandonment issues a few seconds after hearing this might not be a good time to actually abandon her. Again.) As Jack, Hurley, Sun, and Frank make their getaway Claire sees them go. She looks a little pissed. Wow, color me surprised!

“Locke” finds Sayid in the jungle and asks where he has been. Sayid says he did what he asked him to do. Sayid says that after shooting an unarmed man he needed a few minutes to himself. Sayid says that “Locke” can go check if he wants. Lockeness says they have a boat to catch. The look on the face of Sayid tells me that Desmond is somewhere on the island alive and I’m willing to bet he’s not even down in that well anymore.

Jack and his group find the dock. Frank comments that they are going to sail away on the boat. Sawyer says they can’t unless they have a bearing. He says the Dharma people always used to come and go from the island in a sub. Claire shows up with her rifle and asks them where they are going. Kate calms her down by telling her that she is going to take Claire back to Aaron. Sawyer protests but Kate says that if Claire doesn’t go then neither does she. (Why isn’t Kate’s shirt still wet from her swim out to the boat? I think we got cheated out of wet t-shit scene here.) Kate tells Claire that “Locke” is not “one of us”. Claire gets on the boat and allows Kate to take her rifle. Claire says that when “he” finds out they are gone he is going to be angry.

Jack and David go into the same building we saw Claire and Desmond in earlier. Jack signs in (but David doesn’t because he is the only person in this reality that actually “belongs” there?) at the desk. Jack and David seem to have bettered their relationship since the last time we saw them. David actually wants to be with his father now it would seem as Jack talks to David’s mother on the phone. Who the hell is his mother? Sara? Ana Lucia? Juliette? Will we ever find out? Does it even matter? Ilana asks Jack if he believes in fate and then introduces him to Claire. Jack asks how she knew his father and she says Christian was her father too. Jack has a “WTF?” moment and then takes a phone call. He says they will have to reschedule because he has to go to the hospital to deal with an emergency.

Sawyer really is the captain of a ship now like he told Horace three years ago (island time) he was. The boat is the “Elizabeth” which belongs to Desmond. Frank asks Sawyer what their plan is. Sawyer calls him “Chesty” and tells him that they are going to cozy up to Widmore and when they get the chance they will put a gun into someone’s face and make them take them off of the island in the sub. Frank goes down below deck to get something to eat. Sawyer asks Kate to take the wheel as he goes to talk to Jack. Kate tells him to be nice.

Sawyer tells Jack he didn’t think he would show up since taking orders isn’t Jack’s strong suit. Jack says that leaving the island doesn’t feel right. He tells Sawyer that the last time he left it felt like a part of him was missing. Sawyer, not knowing Jack had an addiction to pills after he left the island, tells Jack that there are pills for that. Jack says they were brought there because they were supposed to do something. He says that if “that thing” wants them to leave maybe it’s because it is afraid what would happen if they stayed. Sawyer gives Jack a choice; either Jack is with them and they are getting off of the island or he can get off of the boat. Jack says that leaving is a mistake and that part of Sawyer knows it is too. Jack says that the island isn’t done with them yet. Sawyer says that he is done with the island. Sawyer tells Jack to take a leap of faith and to get off of his damn boat. Jack tells Sawyer that he is sorry for getting Juliette killed. Jack jumps off of the boat in a scene that reminded me of two others. First it reminded me of the last time Jack and Locke talked at the Orchid station only this time Jack was on the other side of the argument. Then Jack’s jump from the boat reminded me of when Sawyer jumped out of the helicopter. Kate asks Sawyer what he said to Jack. He says Jack changed his mind. Kate says they have to go back for him. Sawyer says he is done going back.

Sun wakes up in the hospital with Jin by her side. Jin says she is going to be okay. The even better news is the baby is going to be fine as well. Jin says that it is all over and they are all going to be OK. Is this a prophetic statement or one that will turn out to be very ironic?

Jack and David walk down the halls of the hospital together. They walk the same way. Jack says he didn’t know about Claire and says that Christian kept a lot of secrets. David asks if that is where Jack gets it. Jack laughs and says probably. Jack goes to perform surgery and David wishes him luck. Jack washes up and the other surgeon tells him that the victim was already paralyzed before the accident. Jack says the neural sac was obliterated and the woman says that is why they called him in. Jack says “I got this.” and goes into the operating room. Before Jack begins the surgery he looks into the mirror and sees John Locke’s face reflected back at him. He says he thinks he knows the guy. This scene looked a little like when Jack was forced to perform surgery on Ben. Thinking back on it do you remember what Ben said to Jack then? “See you on the other side.” Hmmmm.

Jack swims back to shore and Lockeness is there and remarks it is a nice day for a swim. “Locke” asks if Sawyer took his boat. He even says it in a “I should have known” tone of voice. Jack says he did (way to cover up for your friends there Doc). “Locke” seems surprised that Jack told him the truth but it makes Jack look loyal to Lockeness.

Over on the main island Jack hears the artillery shell coming and yells for everyone to get down. The explosion throws Jack through the air. What the hell landed next to his head? I think it was body pieces. Jack’s hearing is muffled like Charlies was back when Eko set off dynamite in the Swan hatch. Lockeness rescues Jack and carries him to safety. “Locke” asks Jack if he is alright and tells him that everything will be OK because he is with him now. In the ATL Jack is saving Locke’s life as “Locke” is saving Jack on the island. Before the episode crashes to black Jack seems to pass out. Maybe the island has something to show Jack. Even though there is no episode next week be sure to check back here before then as you never know what might be happening here at the DAG Project.
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