After last weeks episode I could feel the letdown coming a few days before The Package aired. Sun and Jin episodes have never been great in my opinion. Not that they are horrible either; just somewhere in the middle. After last week though, just in the middle would be a letdown. I was glad I came into this episode with little expectations because I was pleasantly surprised. It was better than I had expected, certainly not the worst of the season and possible the best Jin/Sun episode we have ever seen. So let’s check it out and see just what was inside The Package.

At the airport in the ATL Jin gets his suitcase and watch back but not the money. The guy working at the airport says he is confiscating it and Jin will need to fill out papers if he wants the money back. Jin is late for the meeting at the restaurant and tells Sun he doesn’t know what the money was for. All he knows is he was supposed to deliver the money with the watch. They go to a hotel and Jin asks about two rooms because they are not married. When they are trying to check in they go out of their way to make the distinction clear between their last names. Sun is clearly referred to as Ms. Paik and Jin is called Mr. Kwon. In the ATL there is only one Kwon not two. Does that mean the "Kwon" listed on the wall in the cave refers to Jin? Notice that Jin is wearing a dark suit and Sun is in a light colored top which alludes to Jin being in camp with the MIB and Sun is over at Camp Jacob.

Flocke tells Sayid to keep an eye on the camp as he has an errand to run. Sayid says he doesn’t feel anything anymore. No anger, happiness, or pain. Flocke tells him that it might be for the best because it will help him get through what is coming. Ominous words. Jin waits for Flocke to leave and then starts to gather his stuff. He tells Sawyer he is leaving before “that thing” comes back. Jin wants to go look for his wife but he doesn’t get the chance as the camp is attacked. All of them are shot with tranquilizer darts and they all fall unconscious. Zoe and her chubby buddy who I have been told is named Seamus take Jin with them and leave.

As Miles and Frank play some cards, Ben asks Ilana what their next move is. She says they are going to wait for Richard to come back. Ben reminds her that Richard said he didn’t know what to do next and they might never see Richard again. Ilana believes that Hurley will track down Richard and bring him back. We get the best line of the night early this week courtesy of Miles: “Unless Alpert is covered in bacon grease I’m not sure Hurley can track anything.” Priceless! Ilana says she still believes in Jacob so she will wait for Richard. At least she got a chance to change her clothes. Sun doesn’t like the idea of playing the waiting game and storms off. She goes back to her garden and Jack follows her. Jack asks about the tomato plants and Sun says they are all dead. Jack and Sun talk about being candidates. Jack tells Sun about the lighthouse and the names he saw there. Sun doesn’t want to hear about “purpose” or “destiny”. She tells Jack to leave her alone.

Jin knocks on Sun’s hotel room door and tells her he is going to try and deliver the watch anyway. She invites him into her room and asks Jin if he thinks the only reason she is with him is to shop. Sun begins to unbutton her blouse and Jin says “No” and she continues to open her buttons. Sun and Jin may not be married in the ATL but they are definitely in a relationship of some type. Their hotel rooms are on the 8th floor and Jin’s room is 842.

Sun cuts her finger on some sharp grass as Flocke walks up. In some weird way did just his presence cause her to cut herself? He asks Sun “Bad day?”, which was also what Locke asked her when he found her ripping up her garden in frustration back in “…And Found”. Flocke says he found Jin and offers his hand as he says he can take her to see him. Sun says she doesn’t believe him and mentions him killing all the people back at the temple. He says those people were confused and were lied to. He claims he didn’t want to kill them and all they had to do was join him. He tells Sun he is giving her a choice to come with him but says he would never make her do anything against her will. He offers her his hand a second time and asks her to “Please come with me, Jin is waiting.”. Sun takes off running with Flocke giving chase. SMACK! Right into a tree branch.

As Sun is being knocked unconscious by the islands special branch, ATL Sun wakes up basking in the morning afterglow. Holy crap, someone other than Sawyer got a shirtless scene this week. Sun asks Jin to run away with her. Sun has been thinking about this for awhile it would seem as she has an account they can use to fund their escape. Jin says it is forbidden for them to be together but he does love her. She says she has something to tell him but is interrupted by a knock on the door. Jin hides in the bathroom as Sun goes to answer the door. Before she does though, she stops and looks into the mirror. It almost seemed like she looked through the mirror and could see what was on the other side. Maybe she could just make out a faint bump on her head and wondered where she got it similar to how Jack checked his cut on the plane back in “LA X”. Once again we see Martin Keamy who tells Sun that he is a friend of her fathers. He pushes his way into the hotel room and tells Sun that she has something for him.

Ben finds Sun in the jungle. After she wakes up she can only speak Korean. She tries to ask Ben where Flocke is as Ben tries to calm her down. Ben asks her to tell him, in English, who did this to her. She says “Locke”. Has Sun’s two consciousnesses done a little merging here? Is the ATL “bleeding over” into the main time line? We know that all during LOST things happen to people when they are asleep or unconscious. Sun is knocked out on the island and in the ATL she is asleep in bed with Jin. She wakes up and looks into the mirror and stares almost as if she saw something that shouldn’t have been there. Then in the MTL Sun wakes up and cannot speak English. In the ATL she can’t speak English either because she never learned it. Confused yet? More on this later.

Flocke gets back to his camp and finds everyone knocked out. He wakes up Sayid who tells him that they were attacked but he doesn’t know by who. Flocke asks Sayid where Jin is. Did anybody else find it odd that Flocke was able to tell that quickly that Jin was missing?

Jin wakes up in a room that has a lot of speakers in it. Jin tries the door but it’s locked. He then turns his attention to a switch on the wall and he turns it on. As the video begins to play we can identify this as being the infamous Room 23 that the Others had Karl locked up in. Zoe comes in and tells Jin that Room 23 was where the Dharma Initiative used to run experiments on subliminal messages. Jin attempt to leave but Zoe uses a taser on him. She tells Jin he is safe and apologizes for not letting him leave but she says they went through a lot to get him there. She shows him a grid map of the island and asks him about pockets of electromagnetic energy. She asks Jin if he was the person who made the map since his signature is on the map. He tells her he wants to talk to Widmore. Zoe says that Widmore wants to talk to Jin as well.

Flocke asks Sayid if he is a good swimmer and tells him to wrap his gun in plastic so it doesn’t get wet. Flocke asks Evil Claire (or E. Claire) if something is wrong and before going over to talk to him Claire shoots a look at Kate. Claire asks Flocke if her name was on the wall he tells her it was not. She states that it doesn’t matter then if she gets on the plane or not. He tells her he needs her as he motions for her to sit down with him. He says there will be plenty of room for everybody on the plane. Claire says that when she gets home Aaron won’t know who she is. She will be a stranger to him and he will still think Kate is his mother. She asks if Kate’s name is on the wall and Flocke tells her it is not on the wall anymore. He tells Claire that he needs Kate. His plan, it seems, is to use Kate to get the rest of the people on the plane. He says he is three people short so I am going with Hurley, Jack, and Sun as the three. He ends their conversation by saying that after they are all on the plane "whatever happens, happens". Flocke tells Sawyer that he is going to the other island and Sayid is going with him. Sawyer asks why he just doesn’t turn into smoke and fly his ass over the water. Flocke says that if he could do that he would. So was he never able to cross water or is it just because he is in Locke’s body and stuck that way? Sawyer asks why he is going because he thought he would want to avoid Widmore. Flocke says he is going because they took one of his people and he is going to get him back.

As Sun is getting the watch for Keamy she kicks Jin’s shoes under the bed. Keamy asks her about the money Sun’s “body guard” was supposed to have for him. Sun says “No English”, and there is another knock at the door. Omar comes in after checking for Jin in the other hotel room as Keamy notices there are two champagne glasses in the bedroom on the night stands. He tells Omar to check the bathroom. Jin is the worlds worst hide and seek player apparently as he is just standing in the middle of the bathroom waiting to be caught. Keamy asks Jin about the money. Jin asks Sun what they should do and she says they can pay them with their own money. She’s already considering it “their” money in her secret account. Keamy says he feels like he is in a Godzilla movie as he tells them to stop talking. He tells Omar to go get the Russian guy who "can speak eight different languages". He says he is "Danny’s friend". Although we probably won’t see him this has to be a reference to one of the biggest LOST bastards ever; Danny Pickett. You might remember him as the boss when Sawyer and Kate were working on the runway. Wild card - what if it’s Faraday? Omar gets Patchy, who doesn’t have a patch in the ATL, and brings him to the hotel room. Patchy translates to Keamy why they don’t have the money. Sun says that if they were to go to a bank she could get the money. Keamy tells Patchy to take Sun to the bank while he takes Jin to the restaurant. Jin asks Keamy not to tell Sun’s father about their relationship. Keamy tells Jin that their secret is safe with him as all he wants is his money and then they all can live happily ever after.

Jack checks out Sun’s head. Seems Ben’s reputation precedes him as he tries to convince Ilana he didn’t hurt Sun. Why does she think Ben is lying? Because he is speaking she says. Ilana is growing on me more and more each week which can only mean she will figure huge in the end game or she is dying soon. Maybe both. Sun can understand English but she cannot speak it anymore. Jack says she probably has a concussion. Miles has a hard time believing she lost the ability to speak English. Jack says it might be Aphasia which can be caused by trauma to the head affecting the language center of the brain. He says it is usually temporary. Alpert and Hurley make their way back to camp which makes Ilana happy. Richard declares that they are leaving and for everyone to pack their things. In an ironic twist it seems that when Sun and Jin finally reunite on the island, Jin will be fluent in English and Sun may not be able to speak it.

Flocke gets to Hydra island. He sees the pylons and is then shot at. He tells the people shooting at him that he comes in peace. Unlocke skirts around the perimeter of the pylons as he meets with Charles Widmore. (Seeing Widmore on the island walking around blows up my theory that Widmore couldn’t actually set foot on the island.) Widmore asks Flocke if he knows who he is. Flocke says he does then asks if Widmore knows who he is. Widmore says he is obviously not John Locke but what he knows about him is mostly myth, ghost story, and jungle noises in the night. Flocke says it seems Widmore knows more than that judging by the pylons. Flocke says Widmore took Jin; Charles says he has no idea what he is talking about. Flocke says that a wise man once said that war was coming to the island, which points directly to him being able to tap into John Locke’s experiences and memories. Remember back in "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" Widmore told Locke this very thing when Locke was in the hospital with a broken leg. Flocke says that it looks like the war that was coming to the island just got there. This pretty much cinches it that Flocke is not with Widmore. Widmore is with team Jacob as is Ben. The two have been on the same side all along and didn’t know it.

Back at the beach, Jack asks Richard where they are going. Alpert asks where Locke is. Ben says he is on Hydra island which he isn’t and probably won’t be so it will look like Ben is lying but it will bring them all face to face with Widmore which should be an interesting meeting. Alpert says that the plane on Hydra island is the way Flocke intends to get off of the island. Alpert says they are going to stop him and the way to do it is to destroy the plane. Miles asks Hurley if this is his fault and Hurley admits that it sort of is. After hearing that Alpert wants to destroy the plane Sun looses her cool. She calls Richard an idiot and he asks why she isn’t speaking English. Jack says she hurt herself running away from Locke. Alpert asks Sun what did Locke want with her. I thought the shrug Jack gave Alpert as Sun continued to vent on him was classic. In Korean, Sun tells Richard she is there to find her husband not to save the world. She says that according to Ilana she is important and that is why they need her. Then she storms off, again.

The bank officer says that Sun’s account is closed. Sun claims that no one else had access to it but the officer says that Sun’s father closed the account. Sun asks why and Mikhail gives her a knowing smirk as he asks Sun “Why do you think?”.

Omar sits Jin down into a chair in the walk-in refrigerator at the restaurant. Keamy asks why Jin is bleeding from his head. Omar says he bumped his head on the door. Keamy tells him he needs to be more careful. Keamy tells Omar he will take care of Jin and for him to go get the "Arab guy". Omar tells Keamy he is also an Arab. Keamy cleans Jin’s wound and apologizes to him. He says Omar is very loyal but lacks attention to detail. He looks at Jin and says that he doesn’t understand a word he is saying. As he duct tapes Jin to the chair he says something and at first I heard him say something about Jin knowing what was happening on the island. After several repeated plays what Keamy says is; "In case you figure out what is about to happen to you I can’t have you freaking out.”. They purposely made it sound like he said something about the island though you can bet on that. Keamy says that Mr. Paik knows Jin and Sun are fooling around and the money was for Keamy to actually kill Jin. Keamy almost seems apologetic and sincere to the point that Jin actually thanks him. Keamy says that some people are just not meant to be together as he closes the door locking Jin into the fridge. Let’s go back and see why Keamy was so worried about Jin’s head wound. Why would it matter if Omar hit Jin’s head on the fridge and made him bleed? Keamy is going to kill him soon anyway so why does it matter? Maybe he doesn’t want Jin unconscious. Keamy goes on to get a cold wash cloth and dabs at Jin’s face which can actually revive someone if they are feeling faint. If so then it’s possible Keamy did say something about the island regardless of what was really said. Kind of interesting to point out here is that the money being confiscated at the airport ends up actually saving Jin’s life as Keamy postpones the hit until he gets the money. Similarly, if Sun actually got the money from her account to give to Keamy she would have been in essence paying Keamy to kill Jin. Even more of a twist is Mr. Paik empties Sun’s bank account so she can’t run away with Jin but it causes her to not be able to pay Keamy to kill Jin which Paik did want done.

Widmore is angry with Zoe. He tells her that they have a timetable and they were not supposed to get Jin for a few more days. She says that she had no choice because he was leaving the camp. Widmore says she should have waited and took him when he got into the jungle. She says maybe he should have hired a mercenary for the job instead of a geophysicist. We know what happens when he does that so bad idea. At least now we know Zoe is a geophysicist. Widmore tells her to get the package from the sub and take it to the infirmary. Jin meets Widmore and he apologizes to Jin for what happened to him. He tells Jin that he went onto the Ajira plane and found Sun’s luggage. Inside of the luggage he found a camera. Widmore gives Jin the camera and says he thought Jin should have it. Jin sees his daughter for the first time. Widmore tells Jin his daughters name and the emotional scene is scored beautifully by Michael Giacchino. Widmore tells Jin that he too has a daughter and knows what it is like to be separated from the people he loves. Widmore tells Jin that if that thing masquerading as John Locke is allowed to get off of the island any reunion with Sun and their daughter will be short lived. What he says next and how he says it is very important. Widmore says that everyone they know and love would cease to be, notice he doesn’t say they would die but cease to be. I think Widmore knows something about the ATL or at least knows that there could be one or there already is one. Looks like Flocke leaving the island could be the ultimate “reset”. Widmore tells Jin that he wants him to see the package. Jin asks what package but Widmore corrects him saying the package isn’t a what but a who.

Inside of the fridge, Jin hears events going down that we saw happen in Sundown. We’ve seen all of this up until the moment Sayid goes to leave and Jin asks Sayid to set him free. Sayid doesn’t free Jin but puts the box cutter in Jin’s hand so he can free himself. As Sayid wishes Jin good luck I noticed that Sayid seems different than he did when we saw him in the Sundown flashes. Could the emotionless Dark Sayid be seeping into the ATL. As Jin is cutting himself free, Mikhail brings Sun to the restaurant and he sees the carnage. Mikhail asks Keamy, who is still alive, what happened in the restaurant and who did it. Keamy manages to tell Mikhail to look behind him. Jin sticks a gun to the back of Mikhail's head. It would seem Jin and Mikhail are always destined to fight it out. The two struggle over the gun and two random shots are fired off. Mikhail grabs a knife to go after Jin who turns and fires two shots at Mikhail. Mikhail is shot in the eye and we see how he will get his patch in the ATL if he is still alive. Sun screams in pain as she shows Jin her bloody hands. She has been shot and Jin quickly gathers her up and says he is going to get her some help. Remember back to when Sun shot Colleen in the stomach on Desmond's boat. Karma can be such a bitch. As Jin is carrying Sun out of the restaurant she tells him she is pregnant. This is an interesting development because island Sun wasn’t able to get pregnant until she is on the island. Here Jin was able to get her pregnant so maybe the bleeding over between the two times has been happening for a while. I don’t think I am spoiling anything here but is the next scene we see with Jin and Sun in the ATL going to be at a hospital emergency room where Dr. Jack Shepard will attempt to save Sun and her baby? Sure, why not just go with it for now. Did Jacob’s touch make Jin sterile in the original time line? Jin and Sun’s relationship in the ATL seemed to be a more loving and closer relationship than the one they had in the main time line. Another difference worth pointing out is that in the MTL Sun made plans to run away from Jin but in the ATL she plans to run away with him.

Jack wants to have a fireside chat with Sun. He tells her about a patient he had with a similar condition as Sun’s. Jack gives her a pad of paper and a pen and says that maybe she can still write in English. She can. Jack tells her he went back to her garden to look for Locke but he wasn’t there. In the garden he found a red tomato and says that it's one stubborn tomato. “Nobody told it that it was supposed to die.”, is an interesting quote and I’m sure it has a deeper meaning one that maybe we will figure out in the future. I also got a weird vibe from that tomato. Since Jack is a healer, when Jacob touched him did it enhance that ability? Can Jack actually bring someone (like, say, Charlie) back from the dead. Can he put new life into a dead tomato? Is nothing to far fetched at this point? Sun writes that Locke told her he had Jin but she didn’t go with him because she doesn’t trust him. Jack asks Sun if she trust him and she says she does. Jack asks Sun to go with them and he tells her that if she does he will help her find Jin. He says he is going to get them on the plane and get them as far away from the island as possible. Is he including himself with the people he is getting on the plane or is he already convinced he will be staying behind to carry on Jacob’s work? Jack makes a promise to Sun and offers her his hand like Flocke did. This time she takes the hand that is offered to her from the man that is promising to take her to her husband.

Kate asks Sawyer why he doesn’t seem worried and he tells her that he is worried but is just good at pretending he isn’t. He says he thinks everything is almost over. He seems to believe that Flocke will be "blown out of the water" by Widmore when he makes his way to Hydra island. Kate asks what if it doesn't happen that way. Sawyer, as charming as ever, tells her that if it didn’t happen then they all are “screwed six ways to Sunday”. On cue, Flocke strolls into camp, alone. Sawyer asks him about Jin. Flocke says Widmore claims he doesn’t have Jin. Sawyer asks about Sayid. Flocke reminds Sawyer of the locked room on the sub and tells Sawyer he doesn’t like secrets. It seems everybody is just about where they are supposed to be now. We have Sayid “the torturer” with “the criminals” Kate and Sawyer plus the foot soldier/bad husband Jin on the side of “Evil” Flocke. Jacob’s “good” group is almost all assembled as well. Oddly enough we finds Ben on that team. Guess Ben really was one of the good guys all along. Widmore says the MIB is evil and must be stopped which is something Ben said about Widmore back in season 4.

Dark Sayid surfaces near the dock where the sub is. Zoe and Seamus are removing the package from the sub. The package is Desmond. Desmond, complete with bandages on his arms, is very groggy and falls over. His head hangs over the edge of dock which puts him almost face to face with Sayid. Desmond gives Sayid a “WTF?” look. Seamus asks Zoe how much she gave him and she admits that she gave Desmond too much but they needed him knocked out for the trip. Sayid looks completely void of all emotion as Zoe and Seamus take Desmond away.

I think Flocke is slowly loosing control over his little band of merry less men and women. I’m almost sure now that he is the bad guy and we will see all of this play out very soon. What he really wants, and we found this out last week, is everybody dead - that’s his ultimate goal. Then and only then will he be able to leave the island. The Ajira plane means nothing in his plan, it’s just a prop he is using to sell the story to the rest of the people. Him saying he needs the six candidates together in order to leave the island sounds suspiciously like Eloise telling Jack that he needed all of the original Oceanic 6 in order to get back to the island. We know how that turned out don't we. What I want to know is when did who Unlocke will accept “No” for an answer from become so arbitrary? Sun says no and is allowed to live, Richard did as well some 140 years ago and he‘s fine. The temple folks don’t get so lucky. What about his followers? Sayid doesn’t look like he is able to say no to Flocke but why does he have to say yes? If he doesn’t feel anything anymore like he says, does he still love Nadia? His love for Nadia is what made him make his decisions that have led him to this point. If that love is gone or he is unable to feel it anymore than he can be the wild card. He doesn’t need Flocke and his bag of promises. We do know that Sayid apparently can’t keep an eye on the camp for Flocke while he is gone though. Another reason why MIB's hold over his people is slipping away is Sawyer. Sawyer is acting more and more each week like the annoying “Are we there yet?” kid put there just to pester Flocke and keep him on edge with his constant questions. Claire even gets the “Something wrong Claire?” as Flocke is not able to hide his frustration. Hate to break it to him but it’s only going to get worse. He can’t find Jin, he can’t cross water, and he can’t convince Sun to join his group even with her husband dangling in front of her as bait. Flocke may be very powerful and all knowing but there is one thing he can’t do and that’s lead. Flocke has never had to be a leader. Locke, who’s memories and knowledge the MIB is pulling from to make some of his decisions, was never a good leader in the first place either. So his plan is faulty.

Flocke will eventually slip up. The false face he puts on to make people decide to join his group will slowly fade away. The “I can’t kill you so I will have to deal with you in another way” will eventually break also and when it does his own followers will see him for what he is. When he doesn't have his followers around him, he will be vulnerable. Once he is compromised, Widmore will be there to pull his ace in the hole. Desmond is the one person, we were told, who the rules do not apply to. Why? Electromagnetism baby! Desmond already went through it once when he turned the fail-safe key. Maybe he is immune to it now and if so also immune to the MIB. Perhaps a dose of electromagnetism is what is required for the MIB to be destroyed. That would explain why Zoe is there and why she is looking for those special pockets of matter that are scattered all over the island. We know where it won’t be; the Pearl - but there is still the Orchid. The end game may include Desmond, Smokey, and a certain frozen donkey wheel.

So, I’ve been talking about these two realities merging or bleeding over into one another. We know that throughout the show people being asleep or knocked out serves a purpose. I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating that we see Sun get knocked out and Sun asleep at the same time in the two realities. Unconsciousness always served as a transition between scenes, time lines, and now possibly shifts between worlds. I asked before when did this bleeding begin? Have we seen evidence of it before? Remember Locke not being able to speak? How about when Claire lost her memories after Ethan kidnapped her? Where did Desmond’s clothes go when he woke up naked in the jungle? In order for this season to be relevant, the alternate scenes have to mean something. They can’t just be wiped out and not exist when all is said and done. The same can be said for all of the flashes we have seen in the past through all 5 seasons. All of it is important, it has to be and all of it has to remain important. Somehow for this all to make sense and for both time lines to be relevant they will have to merge at some point. The only situation for it to not happen this way is if the ATL turns out to be so horrible and so awful that we wouldn’t want it to exist at all and it will all be voided out at the close of the series. If not we will end up feeling cheated when we find out something that we spent so long deciphering and trying to dissect so finely and definitively didn’t really mean a thing after all. In the words of Charles Widmore, that just can’t be allowed to happen.

All in all, this episode was way better than I had expected it to be. We had a trip down memory lane with Room 23 and Sun’s garden. We saw the return of some of the best bad guys in the show with Martin Keamy and Mikhail showing up this week. We had Sun’s surprisingly awesome cleavage, which I was trying to avoid mentioning but that proved about as easy to do as not allowing the "V" advert at the bottom of the screen drive me nuts for the entire episode. Not next week ABC, you had better not dare!
I too was pleasantly surprised at this episode. I was also waiting for a humdrum episode after last weeks but this one was pretty good.
Shame on you for lapsing back into callling him "Flocke" instead of "UnLocke" by the way.
UnLocke tells Jin that the only way he can leave the island is if all the people whose names are on the wall are together. This sounds exactly like Mrs. Hawking saying they all had to be on the plane to get back to the island (and Ben as well saying the same thing to Jack in the "Flash Forward" funeral parlor Inc.
Your item on there only being one Kwon in the "ATL" is an interesting one. However, I can't seem to get around the fact that I think Jin is going to bite the big one soon. That would leave Sun (who IS a Kwon in actual reality instead of this make-believe stuff you silly people are calling the "ATL"). This of course would lead to a pissed off Sun switching over to UnLocke's team and become Dark Sun. Remember who her father is; those genes gotta go somewhere.
Dark Sayid doesn't feel anything anymore -- no anger, happiness or pain. Obviously he's from Santa Mira and has been taken over by the alien pods. As you recall in INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, that's the line they were selling to Kevin McCarthy: you won't have to be bothered by those annoying, painful emotions anymore.
That is correct...his name is Seamus.
Miles is the KING of time-killing board games etc! He's always got some party game or card game goin' on. And OF COURSE Miles once again gives us a classic one-liner. Well done, LOST fans, on hating one of the best characters on the show. You deserve the flash sideways storyline you all hate!
I love the little hissy fit Sun throws when she stabs the table. This I think is a foreshadowing of what we have to expect from her once Jin gets killed.
Another interesting note: Mr. Paik gives Jin the watch to deliver for him. Someone usually is given a watch when they "retire". Yeah, I know, Jin is delivering the watch to someone else but run with me for a moment. Could this be a little bit of sneaky symbolism (NO TPTB would NEVER do THAT!) where Jin receiving a watch foreshadows his inevitable "retirement" from the show when they off him??? Steamy Keamy sure just got "retired" once HE received the watch. I'm just sayin'.
Good YOUNG ONES reference, by the way. I knew I could rely on you.
Keamy's mentioning that "he is a friend of Sun's father" brings up once again something I said eons ago that I'm still waiting for Mr. Paik to play a larger role here. We already know that he and Charles Widmore are connected (they play golf together) and I'm still waiting for it to be revealed that Mr. Paik is mixed up in this stuff somewhere. Perhaps it was Mr. Paik who supplied all the murderous goons on the freighter for his friend Widmore -- including Steamy Keamy.
UnLocke asks Dark Sayid if he is a good swimmer. Dark Sayid's gun is named Laura Palmer. think about it. I'll wait.
When UnLocke tells E.Claire that Kate's name is not on the wall anymore is he lying? We've seen her name on the lighthouse dial so what up? Also it's nice that UnLocke's "whatever happens, happens" echoes the old LOST chestnut "Whatever happened, happened".
UnLocke may be stuck looking like Locke but he can still turn into the smoke monster; we've seen it.
About Widmore on the island; it IS only the Hydra island. Maybe he still can't set foot on the main island but the Hydra island somehow doesn't count. Who knows.
And maybe even in the smoke form Unlocke can't get off of the main island.
Shame on me is right but I'm about to just revert back to calling him Locke cause we all know who I mean when i say it.
I actually see it happening the opposite way. I see Sun getting killed on the island (she is in jeopardy of dying in the "ATL") and this turning Jin away from Locke and going with group Jacob but actually I don't think Jin was ever actually on Team Flocke so it won't take much for him to go to into the light.
So I got the Kevin McCarthy reference but I didn't get the Laura Palmer reference is that a Twin Peaks reference cause I never watched Twin Peaks except for the freaky midget and the log lady.
Miles has actually moved up in the standings he is currently ahead of Frank, Claire, Ilana, Zoe, Kate, and is close to moving ahead of Sun and Jin. Seasons and 6 have helped him substantially.
You answered your own question, Keamy gets the watch and is then retired. Or is he? Remember in the island time line Sayid was locked in MORTAL KOMBAT!!! with Keamy and it was Ben who actually ended up killing him. After Richard Alpert shot him three times. I wanna know where Alpert is in the ATL.
He said Kate's name wasn't on the cave wall "anymore" I never saw it on the wall and some claim to have seen it and they say it was not crossed out so I have no idea if he is lying or mistaken. It was, however, definitely on the wheel in the lighthouse. Go fig.
i need to state that i am so not fond of "flocke" - "unlocke" is far more fitting.
cheeks, i totally agree that in the past, jin and sun's eps have been, well, a bit of a drag. but this one was really good. could it be keamy looking insanely dapper in his fabulous suit? perhaps...
well anytime you add Kevin to anything it = more better
All those repeated plays to see what Keamy was saying to Jin could've been saved by engaging your trusty closed caption feature on your telly-welly. This saves me a lot of guesswork and also lets me know character's names like Seamus real quick. Hee hee.
Your comments about "when did this bleeding start" are very relevant and I think bringing up Locke not being able to speak, Claire losing her memory, Desmond running nekkid etc. are all very intriguing. However, I don't think any of this means that the "alternate scenes" can't just be wiped out. Of course they can. After all, if this were an "alternate reality" (which Cuselof already have said it isn't but that's beside the point), then everything from 1977 to now has already been wiped out. No one seems to have a problem with that. So why couldn't the same thing happen to the flash sideways stuff (which I still think it will). Also just because it gets wiped out doesn't mean it doesn't "mean something". After all the previous 5 seasons still "mean something" even though some people think they've been "wiped out" or "erased" or "reset" or whatever you wanna call it. It all did "happen" before it was made to so-called "never happen". The same goes for the flash sideways which I believe is some sort of MIB-created dreamworld/pocket universe/who knows what. Either when UnLocke leaves the island or when he is defeated, this flash sideways will reset back to the reality we've had for the previous 5 seasons and that will be that. What the flash sideways will "mean" then will be that it was simply a way to keep these people busy and out of UnLockes hair (if he had any). When the universe/reality is "righted" again it will go poof and back to the previous reality we've been watching for 5 years. Like I say, if everything we've known from the detonation of Jughead was "wiped out" there is absolutely no reason the same thing can't happen to the flash sideways stuff.
And who REALLY thought you could do this without mentioning Sun's cleavage????
And I can't stand "V" and I hated that horrible logo all throughout the episode which actually covered up some information on screen during the LOST episode -- I think it was subtitles but I don't remember.
When the "V" really got my knickers in a twist was when I was trying to read what Sun was writing on her pad of paper but of course I couldn't because of the stupid logo. For most it didn't really matter either way because unless you have an HDTV some of what she had written was cropped out anyway. Stupid technology always progressing and getting in the way!
Also I will be definitely going back to calling the MIB Unlocke because even though it is one more key stroke the Flocke I have decided my fingers are more comfortable typing Unlocke for some reason Flocke feels odd and it's easier to misspell I kept putting the c before the o almost as bad as getting your beans above your pork. Figure that reference out ya smart asses!
THAT'S what I was thinking of. I knew the V logo covered up SOMETHING on the screen! Splitters!!!
Uh yeah, I do have an HDTV btw.
Nothing is worse than getting your beans above your pork but the reason Unlocke is better to type than Flocke is because the F is all the way over on the left but the U N is close to the L O. Ha! Most people thought the UN was in New York.
OK let me get this straight. UnLocke can't cross over ash, he can't cross over sound and he can't cross over water. Other than the fact that the other person who can't cross over water is Dracula, these seem to be 3 of the 4 elements (water = . . .well, water, sound = air, and ash COULD theoretically = earth OR fire (remnants of fire). Significant? Or merely bullshit???
hmmm you could be onto something there
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