Today started off as most Saturdays do with me trudging off to work at the monitoring station. After a cloudy and gray morning gave way to a beautiful and sunny spring day, I made my way home. It was an uneventful day at work (a boring day is a good day when you are watching for hostiles) and I was looking forward to a relaxing afternoon at home. When I arrived home I let the doggies outside to do their business and decided since it was such a gorgeous afternoon on the island I would let them stay outside and at least get some of the stink blown off of them.
I got out of my Dharma duds and put on some clothes I could relax in (I will spare you the photographic documentation of this) and then went to the mailbox to see who I owed what to this week. Inside I was surprised to find this little curiosity:
I didn't think anything of it at first but not very many people would address something to me with "Cheeks". Then I noticed the numbers at the bottom.
The batteries in my camera are low so the auto focus isn't working very well but I promise they are not this blurry in person.
This was on the back.
Inside was a hand written note from Lisa a fellow blogger and a faithful reader to the DAG Project.
Also inside was a gift that was wrapped in this very festive plastic/paper stuff.
Again with the blurry photo?!?! What it is in case you cannot make it out is a magnet that says "I wanna get 'caught in a net' with Sawyer". Giggidy! If you watch LOST you know this references when Jack and Kate were literally caught in a net but Sawyer thought "caught in a net" was some sort of code for "doing the nasty island stanky bump".
Ha! Mine's better.
Wait wha? Whaddit you get?
yay! this is clearly your best post ever. did you realize that you received said package during the week of the Lost ep of the same name? coincidence?? i think not...
oh and cerpts, you are such an instigator. your magnet is equally as groovy as cheekies...only in colour.
OMG you are so right I got a package in the mail during the week that "The Package" was the main subject of the week. That's way cool! Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!
it was the least that i could do, really. you deserve it for all the time and effort you put into this fabulous blog of yours. and for all of the über hot pics of monsieur durand as well!
He plays the crazy killer very well doesn't he? Steamy Dreamy Keamy
oh hell yeah. dreamy indeed...
Nope. Mine is WAY better. His magnet is as something dragged through the doo doo compared to my gold-lined diamond-encrusted one.
That's fine because we all know your lack of self worth, and emotional instability NEEDS your magnet to be that way. Ouch zing! Dayyyyyyyy-yum
boys, stop bickering or i'll put you in a timeout and take away both of your magnets.
That's right! And my utter worthlessness pretty much PROVES that I got the better magnet!!! So there, I've run rings 'round you logically.
oh lord, i give up!
arrrrr intercourse the penguin!
why'd you say Burma?
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