Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Well, it's been four and a half months since I last had my Lost jones fullfilled with a new episode. Tonight that all ends. Will I get all the answers I want? Prolly not! Where are the "others" taking S/K/J? Is Michael and Walt really going to get away? Will Hurley make it back ok? Where are Sun, Jinn, and Sayid? Is Desmond dead? What happened to Locke and Eko? Who the hell are the "others", really? And just what the frigg is that smoke monster thingy? I can hardly contain my excitement. Take the phone off the hook, get the snackies ready and prepare to get Lost.


Cerpts said...

Hold up hold up! You got SNACKIES?!?!?!?!?!?

Cerpts said...

OK I suggest you check out my blog while you still can see the magic!