Friday, February 29, 2008

The Beginning of the End

Seventy-five percent of the time, today would be March first. Seeing as how we have a leap year at this time, it's still February. How about if the next year we add the day to June so we make a warm month a day longer instead of a cold one. Wouldn't that be better and would it make that big of a difference? But I digress. The reason for this blog is to announce the unofficial beginning of this years March Madness. Not talking about college basketball here folks. I have a very different field of 64 in mind. In the past I have done (not on my blog but in real life, not that my blog isn't real life, just not published here on my blog, I mean but you get the idea) a field of 64 for Elton John songs, Pearl Jam songs, female actresses, and other topics. This year I have decided to have an all out battle of epic proportions. I present to you the biggest and baddest field of 64 ever:

Any questions?
Have you ever pondered the age old question; "Who would win in a fight between ________ and _______ ?" Well, for the next month this blog will try and answer some of those questions. I have chosen some of the most elite superheroes in the DC comics universe to square off in no holds barred battle to see just who is the best of the best.

All of these heroes and more wait to do battle in my version of "March Madness"

Now before you go bitching and saying I'm not being fair to Marvel or any other comic publishers, keep in mind I'm not a big Marvel fan and never have been. Always been a DC fan boy. So if you don't like it, do something about it and make up your own field of 64. Also, it was not easy to cut the field down to just 64. In the Dc Universe there are literally hundreds of heroes past, present, and future heroes that I could have chosen. I feel that I have chosen some of the obvious and some of the not so obvious. If one of your favorites didn't make it in, again tough, deal with it, and see the suggestion I made earlier in the paragraph. This here is my blog after all. Tee He!

Got a problem with that?

All the action starts in less then 24 hours! Right here during the entire month of March!

Some of the fights scheduled for tomorrow include number one seeds versus number 16 seeds. As well as some number eights versus number nines. Get ready 'cause it's gonna get ugly!

Some of the fights have already begun. Not looking good for Booster Gold!


Cerpts said...

YAY! I love your field of 64s!!! But I don't remember some of those you mentioned (female actresses?!?!?!?!?).

But hey, my vote goes to Matter Eater Lad to win it all, beeyotch!!!!!

Cerpts said...

Field of 64s??????

Fields of 64s?????

Cerpts said...

Fields of 64?????

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Dude hate to bust your bubble but Matter Eater lad didn't even make in the tournament....maybe next time.

Cerpts said...

Brother Power the Geek?!?!?

Cerpts said...

How 'bout Ambush Bug?!?!?!?

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Nope and nope