Sunday, August 03, 2008

Oh, well, I'll just stop bleeding then.


I found out early that Mr. Eko was a bad mo’ fo’.

Peggy Bundy is Helen!

Jack tells Locke; “Don’t tell me what to do!”. The rift continues to grow.

In the flashback, Locke is still stalking Cooper. Cooper was a real prick towards Locke and I really felt bad for him.

Desmond tells Jack about Kelvin.

Locke and Jack watch the very first DHARMA orientation video for the Swan hatch.

Locke says again “This isn’t supposed to happen.”, then exactly what was supposed to happen?

If Jack really didn’t believe the button was real, why did he tell Locke the last number was 42? Locke tells Jack that Jack needs to push the button. Locke mentions that it is a leap of faith. Both in his flashback and on the island, Locke is forced to make a leap of faith. First he must defer from something he knows (his father/anger/betrayal) and choose Helen and love. On the island he must choose between rational thought and pushing the button.

Desmond finally recognizes Jack when he flees the station and once again tells Jack that he will see him in another life.

Jack enters the numbers and for now, all is well.


In Hurley’s dream Jin tells him that everything is going to change. In his flashback he tells his mother that he doesn’t want to change his life.

Did you catch Walt’s face on the milk carton that Hurley drinks from during his dream?

Claire finds the bottle of letters from the raft.

Oddly enough it seems that nobody has ever heard of Apollo Bars.

At the chicken shack, Randy is Hurley’s boss, he was also showed to be Locke’s boss at the box company.

Rose, who is always very important to an episodes plot, tells Hurley that she “knows” Bernard is still alive.

Watching Ana Lucia’s character makes me wonder if the way she was written is close to how they would have written Kate’s character if they had went with the plan of killing Jack early and allowing Kate to be the leaders of the survivors.

Underneath the hatch we see thick concrete, hot pipes, and a geothermal generator (whatever that is) and there is still much about the hatch that we have not been told that we will be told about later down the road.

Sayid related the Swan hatch to Chernobyl.

Locke tells Hurley, contrary to how we see Hurley feeling, that change is good. Hurley argues and wants to quit. Locke tells him that he doesn’t get to quit.

Rose stops Hurley when he plans to blow up the hatch.

Since they don’t really explain it, I guess after Hurley’s friend Johnny finds out Hurley won the lottery, their friendship changed. Johnny could have been angry because it was Hurley quitting the chicken shack that made Johnny quit. Seeing as how Hurley knew he had won the lottery, Johnny could have felt betrayed by Hurley in that it wasn’t as big of a chance that Hurley was taking as it was that Johnny was taking.

Hurley decides that if he is going to do the job they ask of him to do with the food, he has to do it his way. Jack agrees and with that Hurley begins to hand out the food to everyone. Everyone loves Hugo. It is through accepting change that Hurley is able to allow himself to be loved by everyone. Instead of lying to his friend Johnny and even his mother, like he did in the past which is what lead to them hating him, it is the change that he allows to happen that leads to a happy ending to the rationing of the food.

Bernard introduces himself to Michael and we see Rose give a knowing smile as she stashes an Apollo Bar for him.


RussnFuss said...

Nice man, two posts with a hot Kate picture in a row. Ahhh, when does this show come back on again? I need more Evie!

Cheeks DaBelly said...

It comes back in February. Filming begins in two weeks though. Oh and the hot Kate pics are for Cerpts not for youse! I know you secretly crave for hot pics of Pickett.