Thursday, September 18, 2008

"What are you gonna do, beam us up?"

The filming for the new season of LOST is well under way. If all of the incoming recon is correct, it would infer that they are currently filming in the neighbourhood of episode 3. There are some really cool photos that I found from some folks that live on the big island.

Here is the lot that the crew keeps all of the LOST vehicles wrangled in:

Check it out, 3 different DHARMA vans.

The next picture is of a crew member taking apart a window set for Simon's Butcher Shop. Now who do we know that had a connection to a butcher shop? Yeah, Charlie's father was a butcher and I think his name was Simon. Will we be seeing another Charlie episode this season?

The last picture, I need to say a few things first. I've viewed many of the episodes of LOST multiple times looking for clues, hints, anything that might tell me something more than I already know. Recently, LOST began airing in syndication on cable channel G4. I happened to catch the very beginning of the Pilot episode again for something like the fifth or sixth time. TPTB have said there is a huge clue in the Pilot episode. Not really saying what the clue is or exactly what the clue reveals just that one is there. While watching the episode I noticed something I never did before.

After Jack runs to the crash scene, aside from all the extras (red shirts) we see the following people in this order: Charlie walking around looking real dazed and/or high, Jin screaming in Korean, looking for Sun I would imagine (Why wasn't she right next to him? Another reason why this is the '06 going back to the island in my theory, just what number trip is this I'm not sure yet), Michael yelling for Walt (again, why are two people who were sitting next to each other on the plane not near each other after the crash? I know it was a plane crash but c'mon already!) Then we see Shannon screaming and basically just being Shannon. Next is Locke, who helps pull the man out from under the wreckage. Then we see Claire yelling for help, as Jack goes to help Claire he notices Boone giving CPR to Rose. Then Hurley appears and Jack asks him to watch over Claire. After all of this, Jack then gets a sewing kit and goes off on his own to tend to his wounds which is when Kate wanders out of the jungle and into the series. My recap of the first few minutes of LOST will end there.

Excluding Jack, the first characters we see, up until the moment Jack meets Kate, who I also have not included in this, which is my own list, if you will, in order are:


So what does all this mean? Charlie = dead Michael = dead Shannon = dead Locke = dead (at the end of season 4 it looks like) Boone = Dead. Lets go back to Claire for a moment, after watching this and rethinking all of my theories in the past, I now say Claire is dead and the Claire we saw in the cabin with Christian at the end of last season is a ghost Claire. Moving on to Rose, Rose is very much alive on the island at the end of last season or at least up until the moment when the island disappears. She's still alive because in essence, as far as the island is concerned, she already died once. You don't give CPR to someone who is alive, so Rose = dead (for a few minutes at least, but not so much now) Jin, we still don't know about, even though we've seen his grave, but I also know he was spotted in Hawaii filming some scenes for this season. All that equals, in my minds eye at least, Jin = dead. Now the last person on the list, Hurley, an 'O6-er. Obviously alive both at the end of last season as well as the beginning of this upcoming season five. TPTB have already hinted towards the fact that at least one of the 'O6 may not live long enough to make it back to the island. Initially, I picked Sayid to be the one who will die in the process of getting the rest of the 'O6 back to the island. Hey, it could happen, I've come to grips with all of the deaths that have happened or could happen. Even Sawyer's, but we know that's not happening. So that leaves me with one other person that may meet their doom before the 'O6 get back to the island:

This is a picture Jorge Garcia took with a local who was around during the filming of episodes 1 and 2 for season 5. Looks like Hurley has a little blood on him, would you say? Looks like a possible gunshot wound I would definitely say. BTW, check out the stunt double right behind Jorge. Before anyone asks, no the guy that was in the picture with Jorge before I cropped him out is not giving "the finger", he's giving the "hang loose" hand sign that's very popular in Hawaii and elsewhere.

So I'm predicting it today, Hurley = dead before the end of season 5. I know there will be people who say I'm wrong, but if I predicted Charlie's death in season two I would have been told I was crazy. Or Michael's at the end of season 3 for that matter.

Rage on

1 comment:

Weaverman said...

Oh my God.