Friday, November 21, 2008

My New Job

Something else I have been occupied with while my blog was on hiatus is I was involved in an online Alternate Reality Game or ARG as they are more familiarly referred to. Of course it's LOST related you sill! The scenario of the ARG is that The DHARMA Initiative is trying to reestablish itself as a scientific community in the world and are in the process of recruiting new employees. I had to complete several tests, and some of these were not easy tests, all of which were completed online. After I completed all of the tests I had to wait for the results and my personal assessment. I recently received an email containing my dossier from The DHARMA Initiative and can share it with you now. The following are my test scores (yes I used cheat codes on some of the tests, get over it cause I sure did!) as well as my DHARMA job assignment.

Proof Reader for the DHARMA Initiative!! Yeah, I know, I rock!

Notice I scored at or above the average of the rest of the recruits on all of the tests but one. In fact not only was I below average but I scored a a big fat goose egg. Yeah the part I did horribly on was the "Honesty and Integrity" part of the test. Go fig! Notice I am also in the "Communications Department", whatever the hell that is.

Some of the other recruits that I have had contact with have been assigned to either Brick Layer, Bus Driver, Research Assistant, Cinematographer, and/or Cook as their jobs. The other areas they are classified to work in are Human Services Department, Infrastructure Department, and Human Interaction Analysis Programs Department.

If and when I hear more I will be sure to update. Until then, Namaste.


Fink Master Flash said...

How did you participate in this?? I knew there was gonna be a LOST experience involving the Dharma Initiative but I didn't know where to go. Guess I missed it.

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Yeah it's over. It was during August and September.