Thursday, November 19, 2009

A New Day To Get LOST

It was announced today by ABC that LOST will premier early 2010 on Tuesday, February 2. That's right LOST will be airing for the first time in it's history on Tuesday nights. Not sure how this will go over with the faithful viewers who were accustom to watching LOST on either Wednesday or Thursday nights. Doing the quick calculations sets the series finally date as May 18. If they decide to do a recap/clip show, like they seem to love to do, or it has been mentioned the show may take a week off for the Olympics, and if either of these things occur it would push the finale back to May 25.

Now one other thing I can confirm are some episode titles that have been for the beginning of the season:

Episode 1: "LA X"
Episode 2: "What Kate Does"
Episode 3: "The Substitute"
Episode 4: "Lighthouse"
Episode 5: "Sundown"
Episode 6: "Dr.Linus"
Episode 7: "Recon"

The way the flashes are rumored to be constructed this season is that they are in the same order they were in during season 1. Meaning that the season premier is not dedicated to any one character this season as it was back in 2004. The second episode is a Kate episode, number three would be Locke-centric, followed by Jack for the "Lighthouse" episode. "Sundown" is an interesting title in that it reminds me of "Lockdown" from season three (I believe) when Locke was trapped under the blast door inside the hatch when it went into lock down mode. Could this foretell an injury to Sun? Or even worse? The next episode in season one was "The Moth"; the Charlie cave-in episode, but since Charlie is no longer on the show a Ben episode, "Dr. Linus", takes it's place. Episode seven is also a Sawyer episode in season 6 as it was in the first season. Filming reports on "Recon", which is being filmed as I type this, are mind blowing to say the least. When I know more and can confirm what I have been told, I shall post it.

1 comment:

Cheeks DaBelly said...

And yes Feb 2 is groundhog's day and people close to TPTB say that it is premiering on this day for a reason!