Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Penultimate Episode

So I know you are all waiting patiently for the analysis/recap for the final episode before the series finale. Like TPTB over at LOST, we here at the DAG project sometimes like to take risks. Last week they gave us an episode that featured none of the series regulars and it ended up causing us to ask even more questions with only three and a half hours of episodes left.

Look at 'em up there just staring over here waiting for the recap. Well, it's gonna be a day or so yet so just hold your pants on. Now, about that risk I was talking about; yep, we're taking a risk (a calculated one but still a risk) this week and how you may ask. Well go ahead and ask, I'll wait. Truth be told, I'm not doing a recap for this episode, we are going to have a guest writer. Now I didn't go out and get just anybody to write the recap, I got someone who just might be as big of a LOST fanatic as I am. Just so happens that not only is he a LOST fan he's also a pretty decent writer as well. Definitely better than me and certainly one of the best writers I know on a personal level. If you are a regular reader (pronounced: Lurker) of this blog than you already are familiar with the guest writer as he is a regular commentator on the posts I put up every week. The guest writer is:

Yep, our doddy Cerpts over at the Land of Cerpts and Honey blog. http://landofcerptsandhoney.blogspot.com/ There's the link so you can check out his other work, trust me you might want to pack a lunch first though, you could be there for a while cause there is just that much there to keep you entertained. So be patient and be ready for the biggest roller-coaster ride this blog has ever seen. The shows is almost over so the death watch for this here blog has officially begun. It only ends once, anything else that happens is just progress.

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