Here now are the best eight episodes as voted by us:
Through The Looking Glass the season three finale has been called the episode that changed everything. Featured the first ever flash-forward. The first finale that was shot under super secret security called "The Snake In The Mailbox" by TPTB.
There's No Place Like Home the fourth season finale. Called "The Frozen Donkey Wheel" because, well, Ben turned a frozen donkey wheel. Why? Well, to move the island of course!
The next match-up
The Constant The Desmond centric episode from the fourth season that brought tears of joy to the collective eye of all LOST fans. Begs the question just who is your constant?
Man Of Science, Man Of Faith the second season finale opened with a man we didn't know doing his daily morning ritual. Showering, eating, exercising, giving himself an immunization shot, resetting the doomsday clock... er.. whatever. We saw that damn button get pushed for the first time too!
Here are the next two episodes up for consideration:
The Incident the 5th season finale began to tie up some loose ends. As well as cause us to pose more questions. We met Jacob and the MIB.
Live Together, Die Alone was the season finale of the second season. We got to see what happens when the button doesn't get pushed. We found out how Desmond came to be on the island. And there was that part of a statue, an odd foot with only four toes that Jin, Sun, and Sayid saw.
The final match I submit for your approval:
In Ab Aeterno, we see the long back-story of Richard Alpert. The Black Rock, the statue, and a cork. This and The Constant are the only episodes in the elite eight that were not a finale nor a premier episode.
Because You Left begins with a Pierre Chang flashback, a Willie Nelson song and Daniel Faraday on the island in the 1970's. Let the time traveling begin!
looking glass
live together
ab aeterno
only one of those was "easy"
Through The Looking Glass
Man Of Science, Man of Faith
The Incident
Ab Aeterno
Through the Looking Glass
Man of Science, Man of Faith
The Incident
Ab Aeterno
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