Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Pilot Episode

I don't understand it all, I don't claim that either, but I think it's some kinda conspiracy to get me to sign up for a blog. Nothing I intended to do but since I can't seem to comment on any other blogs I go to unless I sign up, I figured I'd give it a shot. Don't expect much in the way of current events to appear here. You wouldn't go to CNN for dick jokes, don't come to me for the news. OK? Okay. First day back to work after a 9 day vacation and you know it doesn't take long for all the resting up done on those 9 days to be shot to hell does it? But there is one thing to be thankful for, RockStar Super Nova comes on 2nite. Yeah!! In case you haven't figured it out I have no life. Why else would I be here if I did?!?! Oh, and the other thing in case it hasn't occurred to you yet, I am obsessed by the show "Lost". So until next time, see yah Freckles.


Star said...

you stink b/c i can't play anonymous with this comment! so i have a few wee lil' things to say: 1stly, welcome to the wacky, wondrous world of the blogger; b, you misspelled ouija for ouija board; and third, i have heard rumour of your current obsession with one josh holloway, aka sawyer, and am intrigued. he is quite scrumtrulescent, is he not?
well, that's all. please feel free to never look at my blog because it is silly and ridiculous. i have deluded myself into believing that i am a much better writer than i actually am. it's sad. so please spend your time in the land of cerpts and honey, you'll be far more entertained. ciao!

Cerpts said...

But we can STILL go to you for the dick jokes, right????