Sunday, September 24, 2006

Born To Run

Well now that summer is officially over (Thank God, I don't think I could handle another heat wave induced case of chaffing.) it can only mean one thing... it's my most favoritest time of the year! Halloweenie baby. Yeah, yeah, I know it's not even October yet but I think of Halloween as a big holiday, even bigger than Christmas. So what better way to celebrate the beginning of the Weenie season than with two of the long forgotten favorites in the cereal world. It has been 13 years since Yummy Mummy has graced the breakfast tables worldwide. General Mills discontinued it for poor sales and I'm briging it back. At least here on my blog that is. Actually Yummy Mummy was a replacement for

That's right, before Yummy Mummy there was Fruit Brute. The fruity werewolf cereal debuted in 1974, it didn't do so well so it became the first Halloween based cereal to make it's way to the breakfast graveyard in 1983. Well what do you expect it had lime flavored marshmallows for Christ's sake. Yummy Mummy cam out in 1988. They did learn their lesson, a little, (General Mills I'm talking about. Try to keep up please!) at least when they revamped the cereal they made the marshmallows vanilla flavored. Although it was the first cereal in the monster related cereals to be discontinued it actually has been kept alive, sort of. In Reservoir Dogs, Mr. Orange clearly has a box of Fruit Brute in his apartment. Quentin Tarantino was such a big fan of the cereal he also used a box of it (possibly the same box from Reservoir Dogs, who knows?) in a scene in Pulp Fiction where Vincent is talking on the cell phone to his drug dealer Lance (played by John Travolta and Eric Stoltz, respectively). So, long gone is our fruity cereal friend who stalked the night in search of the flavor of FROOOOOOOOOOOT.


Cerpts said...

Does this mean we'll be going on a haunted hayride this year, you so-called Halloweenie loving beeyatch?!?

Cheeks DaBelly said...

You bet your sweet ass we are. And it is sweet. Tust me. I know!

Cerpts said...

I don't know what "tust" is but I don't think I want to do it to you.