Saturday, December 20, 2008

Inside the new Promo

Thanks to Dark UFO we have some screen caps from the new promo to go through.

Seems a new running theme in this promo at least is a swinging pendulum. Here the pendulum swings over what looks to be a map of the ocean and what could be LOST island.

A dark and hooded figure scribbles a formula on a blackboard. From the looks of it the good money is on this being Ms. Hawkins. You remember the lady from the antique store in Desmond's flash back and time travel story. If this was the Legion of Super Heroes we could say it was the time trapper.

Looks very similar to the Swan station computer.

A closer look at said computer.

Seems to be the same computer but what in the blue hell does "Event Window Determined" mean?

Oh and just in case you did notice the backwards speak at the beginning of the promo, it's Locke's voice saying "Am I when?"


Cerpts said...

Isn't her name Ms. Hawking?

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Yeah, that's what I said.

Cerpts said...

Oh no you didn't you said Ms. Hawkins. Don't try any of your time travelling nonsense to trick me, either. I'm wise to you!