Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dead or Alive?

I have to give The Finkmaster some credit on this one. Take a look at John Locke in the coffin at Hoffs-Drawler:

And now look at him in the coffin in the meat cooler at Simon's Butcher Shop:

Do dead bodies grow 5 O'clock shadows? Something else I noticed but just wrote off as "well, they just couldn't that's why" was wouldn't rigor mortis have set in by now on Locke's body and if so how was Jack so easily able to bend Locke's legs to get the shoes on? Apparently rigor mortis also wears off after a while so maybe that explains it something called resolution of mortis. This is either a continuity mistake or Locke isn't dead in that coffin.

The most convincing evidence is still to come!


Fink Master Flash said...

I didn't even think about the rigormortis. Now that you mention it,that is a very good point.

Dude, I love you blog! This is my favorite LOST blog to follow.

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Thanks for following Fink we're all in this together riding along with the island and all the people on it and I'm having a great ride buddy!