Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Pilot Wings?

This is a new hot topic theory out there right now. The following is a photo of the pin given out to airmen during WWII:

Here's a screen cap (thanks to the ODI) of the pilot wings Kate finds in the jungle in the pilot episode:

Also from the pilot episode Cindy has a pair of the same wings:

The pilot before he is pulled out of the plane by Smokey has on a set, the same set Kate later finds in the jungle, on the ground, under the tree where the pilot is lying dead:

This means one of two things: 1.) The produces put them there for a reason showing that just about everyone is involved in the 815 cover up and were all somehow working with the island, the others, Ben, or Widmore. The wings are WWII issued wings to pilots only and only during WWII. or 2.) We are reading way to much into it and the producers just wanted something to connect all of the flight crew and gave them all the same wing emblem pins to wear and the fact that they are actual WWII issued wings is because they are the easiest to get hold of. I have found several of them for sale on antique websites so they would have been easy for the producers to get matching sets for the flight crew.

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