First up is Live Together, Die Alone. The finale episode for the second season and a number one seed. Locke finds out what happens when the button isn't pushed.
After Desmond turns the fail safe key the sky turned purple. This caused a pulse that this guy could see on radar. He quickly called Penny Widmore.
The final season premier of the series LA X, a 9th seed. They showed us what was in the guitar case.
Is Sayid channeling his inner Godspell after he dies in the pool that was supposed to heal him?
"Good to see you out of those chains, Richard."
The next pairing brings us the fourth seeded Exodus. In the very first season finale we saw Charlie go through some gruesome steps to get back Claire's baby.
In one of the most iconic shots of the entire show, Jack and Locke look down into the hatch after they use dynamite to blow open the door.
"Weirdest damn funeral I've ever been to." Frank admits as he begins to shovel dirt into John Locke's grave. This happens during The Substitute which is a 5th seed from season 6.
"An inside joke." The MIB tells Sawyer as he throws away the white rock he took from the scale inside of the cave.
In the flash sideways Ben Linus meets John Locke for the first time.
Pilot is the 3rd seeded very first episode of the entire show. Here, Jack surveys the situation as the first full day dawns for the survivors.
Sayid tries to fix the radio as he tells Hurley that he was on the other side of Desert Storm.
"Guys, where are we?" Charlie asked at the end of the episode.
The sixth seeded episode The Incident. The fifth season finale shows that Jacob went to see some of the survivors during their lives. Here he tells Locke that he is sorry for what he had to go through.
He tells Sun and Jin, at their wedding, to never take love for granted.
During the second seeded The Shape Of Things To Come, Sawyer tries to get to Claire's house and rescue her as the freighter goons begin to shoot up the barracks.
After Keamy kills Alex, Ben goes under his house to a secret area where he seems to "call" the smoke monster.
In the flash-forward it is explained how Sayid ends up working for Ben after they get off of the island.
It would almost seem that when Jack is asking Sawyer some questions about his health history that Sawyer might actually have an std. This is during the 7th seeded Deus Ex Machina.
Boone makes contact with someone, who later turns out to be Bernard with the taillies, while checking out the drug smugglers plane.
No Place Like Home Parts 2 & 3 is up next. Here we see the freighter blow up; leaving the condition of Jin very much in question.
Ben turns the frozen donkey wheel.
Jack trying to break into the now infamous Hoffs Drawler Funeral Parlor.
After Michael shoots and kills Ana Lucia, she makes a ghostly visit to Mr. Eko who is busy cutting down trees he wants to use to make a church. The seventh seeded ? episode was filled with sadness.
Sawyer and Kate break the bad news about Libby being shot to Hurley.
While elsewhere on the island, Locke and Eko find the Pearl Station.
"You told her?" Sawyer asks Daniel after Ellie inquirers if Sawyer is also a time traveler during the 11th seeded Jughead.
Locke has a meeting with Richard where Locke puts into motion the events that will put his life on the course it took to get Locke on the island in the first place. Did that make sense?
Remember that radio Sayid was trying to get to work back in the Pilot episode? Well, in The Long Con, a 14th seed from season two, he gets it to work. Sort of.
Hurley finds The Bad Twin manuscript by Gary Troup. I read it. Don't bother. By the way Gary Troup was the guy who got sucked into the plane engine in the Pilot episode.
At the end of the episode Sawyer, while wearing a dashing leather jacket, counts to "Five Mississippi" to no one.
Sawyer asks Hurley if he has a "load he wants to drop in" when they talk about helping Libby with the laundry.
Locke asks Helen to marry him but because he lied to her, she turns him down and leaves.
Sayid returns to the hatch after finding Henry Gale's balloon. But he also found Henry Gale's identification. Uh-Oh! This all happened on the fourth seeded episode called Lockdown. Just thought I should tell you that.
"I don't even know my own bloody blood type!" Charlie tells Jack during the 12th seeded Do No Harm.
They had some great make up on Matthew Fox during the transfusion scene. Jack looks like he is about to pass out from loosing too much blood.
The final pairing for this post includes the 9th seeded Happily Ever After. Here, Desmond checks the arrival board at the airport.
During an MRI, Desmond experiences part of what would later be described as "an awakening".
Meeting Penny fully allowed Desmond to know the truth of the sideways reality.
The one seed Through The Looking Glass. Here we see everyone gathered on a hill and told to look in a certain direction. Most of them got it right on the first take. "Jack, look that way. See where everyone else is looking, yes, that way. Look there." Sun and Juliette tried to explain.
Later, Juliette would leave with Sawyer to go back to the beach but first she gave Jack a little something to remember her by.