Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"Hello, I want to play a game."-Jigsaw

It's not very often I offer a retraction, let alone admit when I am wrong. Or even when I am kinda sort of close to wrong. As the situation dictates, I must do both today. Around a year ago I spoke about the movie Saw 3 and how much I liked the first two in the series. After seeing the third installment I pitched a fit as to how horrible it was. Well, flash forward to this week and we have the release of Saw IV. For the last three years, going out to see a Saw movie has been a Halloween ritual for my Lady Love and myself. Was I going to break the ritual and not go see the newest chapter? That was what I told myself I was going to do, especially after I read some reviews. The reviews, like most horror movies coming out these days was met with mixed reviews. Some loved it (mostly teenagers, I assumed) and some hated it (nearly everyone else, I again assumed) others mentioned how confusing it was while some spoke of how over the top the gore was. Well, as of this past Sunday, that had almost cinched it for me, no reason to go. That was my feeling until yesterday (Monday, October 29) when I decided I was going. It was between Saw IV and 30 Days of Nights. A co-worker went to see 30 Days and his report was less than favorable on this movie as well. So I bit the bullet and went to see Saw IV.
And I'm glad I did.
I don't know who the people are that said the movie was confusing and hard to follow, because it's not. At least to me it wasn't. All I can say is if some of them decided to let this movie be the first to see in the series, well that would not be suggested. This chapter not only was very good, quite possibly the best since the first movie, the first one was very good, I hesitate calling it great because it's not a movie you can watch over and over getting the same shock and surprise every time. Once you've seen it, you've seen it, I won't say anymore so as not to spoil anything for those that have not seen any of the Saw movies. I can also add that not only was IV very good, it did something I didn't think possible. It made III better. Some things happen in III that left me shaking my head and wondering why certain things were even in the movie if they were not going to be explained. Some things were so quickly glossed over that they didn't make sense. Until now. If you saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and felt ripped off with the ending, you have an idea of how I felt after seeing Saw III. When I saw Pirates 3 it made more sense and I didn't feel as cheated as I did after 2 was over. That's how I feel now about Saw III after seeing IV. Only more so. I left the theatre today surprised, and happy with Saw IV. It's not very often I leave a movie theater more than just satisfied but happily surprised. Today was one of those days. Sure, it was gory (not as gory as some movies I have seen in the past few years though mind you) it played a little with the Saw timeline but it was well worth the two hours as well as it made me look forward to Saw V next year.
Oh yes, there will be blood.


Cerpts said...

No, sir. . .

I never saw 'em.

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Well perhaps I shall have to get it and we can do a double feature. Pop one Rocky Horror cherry and then pop your Saw cherry.

Cerpts said...

As long as you don't go near my foot.

Cheeks DaBelly said...

Why whatsamattah wid yo foot?