If you gaze for long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
We are quickly approaching the time of all things concerning death and the dying. Eternal midnight. It's twelve o'clock. Everyone knows that the Witching Hour is when all the monsters come out. Unfortunately I think all the good ones were taken and I got stuck with a whole bunch of bargain basement "B" monsters. Maybe even further into the alphabet than that. You decide:
Well, see right off of jump street we have a problem. Let me introduce you to The Deadly Mantis. Just like the little ones, only bigger and well, deadly. How do you think it got it's name? A volcanic eruption in the Antarctic of “equal but opposite reaction” near the North Pole causes a glacier to crumble, releasing a long frozen giant praying mantis. Apparently they grow them big up there. Beware, for the terror can fly! This was the day that the world was engulfed in terror!
Whatever the hell that thing is, it's just plain wrong I want you to know upfront. The fiends in Fiend Without A Face looks like something horribly wrong happened during the course of a perfectly good seafood dinner. Creeping, crawling human brain monsters that were first invisible. Why couldn't they stay that way? The byproduct of thought-control experiments. The "Fiends" are brain-shaped monsters with spinal-cord tails. The Fiends attack and suck out their victims’ brains and spinal columns through two holes at the base of the skull. Sweet Mother of Pearl! Fiend Without A Face is said to have had quite a few influential parts for George A. Romeros Night of the Living Dead. Released about 10 years later in 1968.
No, sorry, this is not what happens when there is a radiation leak at the dog groomers. This is The Monster That Challenged The World! Bum bum bum! What it really is, is a giant, prehistoric sea mollusks at the bottom of California's Salton Sea. A underwater earthquake and atomic testing that left traces of radioactive materials awaken these giant prehistoric mutated mollusks. Told you it had something to do with a radiation leak! These blood sucking mollusks are hungry for human juices and will hunt for you on land or in the water. They also allow me to say "human juices" and not be considered filthy, until now. This terrifying monster masterpiece was inspired by the true story of prehistoric shrimp eggs that were reconstituted after millions and millions of years. Who does that?
Here's lookin' at you, uh, Gor, is it? The Brain from Planet Arous features two brains, one of them good (Vol) and the other bad (Gor). Evil Gor wants to destroy the Earth and quickly takes over the mind of a scientist to further his plans. Vol turns up to put a stop to Gor's meddling. Now Vol is definitely the smarter of the pair. He takes a look at John Agar (who plays Steve, the scientist) and realises that the family dog is a better vehicle for its intergalactic intelligence. Not only can the dog act but it doesn't exact immediate laughter from viewers who have seen John Agars previous films. The brains are floating balls with slightly googly eyes, they might have super intelligence and the ability to transfer themselves to other living beings but they look silly. As for personality Gor is decidedly lecherous, hankering after Sally Fallon (Joyce Meadows) but naturally failing to impress her with his talk of world domination because Sally is a nice girl and not into that kind of thing. She's not overly keen on being felt on up on lawn chair by the brain zapped Steve either. Considered to be one of the worlds worst movies. What makes it unmissable if you love B-movies like myself is the fact that there are clearly visible wires holding up the brains, that the aircraft are obviously models and other such failings are all part of the charm. It's a shame that the ending feels so rushed, there's a definite feeling that the budget ran out so the ending was quickly put together. "It will steal your body and damn your soul!" Indeed!
Look! It's the monster that can hold a dozen hot dogs in it's mouth. Well that's what it looks like to me. Actually it's The Horror of Party Beach. Yeah!!! I almost feel like the Muppet Show theme should play now. Who isn't a fan of blood-drinking mutant sea monsters? Atomic waste leaks from an undersea barrel and causes human skeletons to transform into blood-drinking mutant sea monsters. Weird Fact: How do you kill a mutant monster from the bottom of the salt watered ocean? Pour salt on them and make them explode of course. Huh? Yeah, that's where the movie lost me too. The Horror of Party Beach was billed as the "First Horror Monster Musical" and had six songs from the The Del-Aires: Drag; Joyride; You Are Not A Summer Love; Elaine; Just Wigglin' and Wobblin'; The Zombie Stomp. 'Cause when it's time to party, they party hard.
Hey, is the new look just for October or is it for always???
And why oh why do I not have the song "Just Wigglin' and Wobblin'" on cd?!?!? I hear Britney's gonna cover it.
What a gaggle of monsters you've rustled up! But how do you keep them all fed?!? But it seems to me like somebody's missing. . .
All right, a LOT of somebody's but you only has so much blog room, didn't you?
If only the monster bus hadn't pulled away from the station without letting the monster from "Creature from the Haunted Sea" in there. I mean, what was that??? The Cookie Monster?!?!?
Super post, dood!
I think the new look is only for Weenie but who knows I do like it a lot. Hell I woulda thought you had that soundtrack on cd or at least on lp. As for how I keep 'em fed, well, you remember the dog and two cats I used to have??? Who says I missed some monsters, perhaps that was ony a part one.
Well, you DEFINITELY missed Count Chocula.
Oh wait, that was me.
Since I was remiss, as my darling doddy Cerpts was so quick to point out (bitch) the movie with Gor and Vol is called "The Brain from Planet Arous". There I think I'm all caught up.
I peruse your blog on a regular basis and I uualy don't comment (we've talked about why) but when I saw the Radioactive Rutabaga (that's what we used to call it, how quickly you forget!) I laughed myself right into a shart. How many times did we watch that movie? I think it might be why to this day I have a hard time eating a salad.
Ahem, YOU used to call it the radioactive rutabaga I, on the other hand, called it the atomic carrot. I don't know if this movie is the reason I don't eat salads but it's as good of a reason as any. As far as how many times we watched this movie, I lost count. I know we had two copies, one vhs and one betamax. Holy crap, are we old!
And another thing, it would have been nice if you had commented on the terrible turnip in the actual post it was in instead of this one. You got your eyes in? And when the hell are you going to actually do a profile for your name or even, dare I say it, actually make a friggin' blog?
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